Core values
The following are the core values of First Global Methodist Church that form the basis of who we are and guide our decisions while serving the Kingdom of God.
Biblical Authority
The holy scripture contained within both books of the Bible (Old and New Testaments) are the primary rule and authority for faith, morals, and service, against which all other authorities must be measured.
Servant Leadership
We put the needs of the people entrusted to our care, above our own, love them, seek to inspire and influence them to action, and desire to transform their lives, through the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God.
Everything we have belongs to God. We seek to utilize His resources (financial, physical, and spiritual) effectively to share the gospel, make disciples, and further His Kingdom.
We seek to transform lives to become more Christ-like through teaching the gospel, living our lives with integrity in a way that is pleasing to God, and equipping members to fulfill the Great Commission to go and make disciples.
Kingdom Oriented
We conform our decisions, teachings, missions, and lives to align in obedience with Jesus Christ, who is the key to internal peace and eternal life; so that by doing so, he is glorified, and His Kingdom is multiplied.
The church exists primarily for those in need of a relationship with Christ. It is the responsibility of every member to communicate God’s love through words and deeds.
Prayer is the foundation of all that we do. Prayer is a means of intimate connection with God through the Holy Spririt.
We are called to love and care for the physical and emotional needs of each other.