Our Story

How it all started...

The story of 1GMC began in early 2023.  We started the year at Maples Memorial United Methodist Church with uncertainty and trepidation of what was in store for the future of our church.  After months of discerning whether or not we would vote to disaffiliate from the United Methodist denomination, the decision was made...we would vote to disaffiliate.  Our decision was based on many factors.  Ultimately, we felt the direction the UM was heading was simply incompatible with the traditional orthodox Christian values, teachings, and beliefs that we hold in high esteem.

In February of 2023, we had a vote.  The rules, as set forth by the UM, required a two thirds majority to disaffiliate.  After the votes were tallied, the results were in; 179 in favor, 111 opposed.   The vote to disaffiliate failed by 14 votes.  The results of the vote left many of us reeling and asking, “Where do we go from here?”  But in the days and weeks following the vote, an amazing thing happened…First Global Methodist Church was conceived!  Not unlike the manner in which Jesus was conceived, our conception was divine and appointed by God himself.  In March of 2023, a group of about 20 people met to begin answering the question, “Where do we go from here?”  At the end of that meeting, we had communion, prayed, and we all left knowing that it was time to get to work!

As He so often does, God chose a group of ordinary people, with absolutely no related experience, to begin the process of starting this church.  Over the next several months, the word spread, and we held additional meetings at the Ingram’s Mill Community Center.  It was here where we began, as any good Methodist does, a methodical process of organizing our next steps.  Commitments were made, leadership was established, committees were formed, legal documents were filed, bank accounts were opened, budgets were created, and job offers were made; but most importantly, the Holy Spirit ignited this community of believers in a way that many of us had never experienced!  At the end of one of the meetings we recited the Lord’s Prayer.  Wow!  At that moment, His presence was palpable!

After months of searching for a location to worship, God directed us to Cockrum Community Church.  We had a need, and they had the resource.  CCC graciously allowed us to rent their Family Life Center so that we could get on our feet.  On June 4, 2023 we held our first preview service as First Global Methodist Church.  On June 12, 2023 the Transitional Leadership Council approved our request, and we became an official member congregation of the Global Methodist Church.  On July 1, 2023 Rev. Stephen Sparks officially became our Pastor.  And on August 20, 2023 we held our official launch service.  God has had His hand over us every step of the way!
God has guided our church family from the beginning and in everything that we have done.  It is a great feeling to further see how God is working both through and in us and how this new ministry, church, and family are moving ahead in our mission.  God is and will continue to work in and through each of us.

It takes every single one of us stepping up in faith and in action to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.  Many thanks to all who have prayed, discussed, smiled, or cried as part of this process.  We are just getting started.  The process will be long, and there will be bumps along the way.  We will have highs, and we’ll have lows.  We will celebrate the highs, and lean on our faith during the lows.  Come what may, we serve a loving God.  A God who desires to be in relationship with us.  We will continue to listen, trust, and obey Him, as He continues to guide and shape the future of 1GMC.

Expanding the vision...

We seek to make a difference in our community.  We aim to be a beacon of light in southeast DeSoto County, a place for people who have been hurt by the church can find a way home.  A place where people can find their way to Jesus.  A place where people can show up every week, and their babies are cared for, and their children are nurtured.  A place where our youth are challenged to take deep dives into their faith.  A place where love abounds.

Where we are headed...

In March of 2024, we purchased a 29 acre tract of land adjacent to Lewisburg Primary School at the northwest corner of the Craft Rd and I-269 intersection.   This property will be our future home.  The construction will take place in phases to match our growth, but it is crucial that we have a comprehensive master plan in place before breaking ground.  Spending the appropriate time and effort now will yield a well-planned site that will effectively meet the needs of our community for decades to come.  As with everything we do, we seek to use this resource to further God’s work in our community.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am in the Family Life Center.